Developing a strong, healthcare marketing strategy can be extremely overwhelming. With so many different tactics available to marketers and digital media professionals today, it can be difficult to weed through all your options to find the ones that work best for you and the medical practice you represent. When you find the right tactics to incorporate into your business strategy, the revenue can be quite fruitful. In fact, this year, the healthcare industry is expected to procure over $10 trillion in profits, making it the one of the largest & most profitable industries in the United States. With such a large margin for profit, investing in strong marketing strategies is undoubtedly one of the best ways to grow your business. Listed below are some general tactics you can incorporate into your marketing plan to make it exponentially stronger in 2022!
Make your practice’s website easy to navigate.
This may seem obvious, but make it easy for patients, both old and new, to use your company website. In fact, 66% of all internet users will look to the internet first when researching diseases or medical conditions. Make your lines of service and treatment options clear and easy to see on your website. The internet is in a constant state of evolution, so investing time and money to ensure that your clientele can easily book appointments, research disease states, and investigate your treatment options is a great way to strengthen your marketing strategy!
Track your patient calls.
Tracking patient calls can be tedious and seem like a never-ending task. However, this can be some of the most valuable feedback you can get for your practice. Learning more about how the front office interacts with the patients over the phone is another great way to strengthen your marketing strategies because it gives you direct insight on how you can improve your practice. This also provides you with an infinite amount of personal data that you can use to improve your business. For example, you may notice that you are getting an influx of calls about a certain procedure your practice offers. Take this as an opportunity to invest more time and money in advertising this procedure through social media platforms or Google Ads. Listening to these calls weekly is one of the best ways to develop new marketing strategies that are curated directly to your practice!
Send out a monthly newsletter.
Emails may seem like a prehistoric way to communicate today but sending out a monthly newsletter can be extremely helpful to your patients. If you are trying to advertise a new line of service or have brought on a new doctor to your medical team, promoting it in a monthly newsletter lets your loyal clientele know that your practice is consistently growing. Keep your patients in the know about everything that is new and improving about your practice because it keeps your services on their mind and could potentially be a friendly reminder to come back into your office for an appointment!
Publish blogs on a consistent basis.
With over 70,000 health-related internet searches every minute, it is extremely important to make sure you are addressing any concerns or questions your patients might have on your website. Blog posts are a great way to do this because they cannot only easily answer a patient’s question, but they are also a great way to improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For example, writing a weekly or monthly blog post that discusses the disease states your practice specializes in and what treatment methods you offer could show up in an internet user’s search query while they are trying to figure what their symptoms means. If your blog is helpful to them, this could lead to a potential new patient! Another important aspect of blog writing to remember is upholding credibility in the content you produce. Nearly half (47%) of individuals who use search engines for health-related reasons are concerned that they information they come across is focused solely on trying to sell them something, rather than provide helpful information. Make sure you are upholding a high level of integrity when posting your blogs. The blog’s focal point should be about translating medical information to help patients understand what is happening to them, rather than trying to flip a profit.
These are just a few, easy ways to start strengthening your healthcare marketing strategy this year. Did you find these tips helpful? Make sure you stay tuned here as we publish weekly blogs that encompass all things related to digital marketing!